It has always been the case when a stock goes up to much. People take profits, then causes a dip. The dip causes more panic sells and then it will just drop. Same thing happened with TONIX and RZLV.
Have you been watching this stock though? I have since it was under .25 and it appears to me it will be going up. Of course they go down its what they do especially in these plays. So many people have been coming in here saying it will go down and it always goes back UP!
Depends if you are here for short term or long term. Long term i feel got potential. I'm swing trading so I'm exiting before market closes today
Nevergiveuptowin : why
This_Guy : Do you care to share your reasoning?
cryptonerd OP This_Guy : It has always been the case when a stock goes up to much. People take profits, then causes a dip. The dip causes more panic sells and then it will just drop. Same thing happened with TONIX and RZLV.
This_Guy cryptonerd OP : Have you been watching this stock though? I have since it was under .25 and it appears to me it will be going up. Of course they go down its what they do especially in these plays. So many people have been coming in here saying it will go down and it always goes back UP!
cryptonerd OP This_Guy : Depends if you are here for short term or long term. Long term i feel got potential. I'm swing trading so I'm exiting before market closes today