the price of entry is bellow .30 in my opinion because no actual product is giving them revenue right now. it just got approved. Right now you are paying the price it will be in a year from now (1 dollars ish) so you willnmost likely not make any profit. in my book wait for things to calm down and invest in the mindset of getting out at 1$ ;) dont hold this for no reason even if it could go higher. They have 3million in revenue right now.. it dosent justify 150million in market cap...
MrSuperStonk : at this point i would not.. wait
Toxic_Trades OP MrSuperStonk : Got it. I see it has gone up really high and dropping at times now
MrSuperStonk Toxic_Trades OP : the price of entry is bellow .30 in my opinion because no actual product is giving them revenue right now. it just got approved. Right now you are paying the price it will be in a year from now (1 dollars ish) so you willnmost likely not make any profit. in my book wait for things to calm down and invest in the mindset of getting out at 1$ ;) dont hold this for no reason even if it could go higher. They have 3million in revenue right now.. it dosent justify 150million in market cap...