104750472 : Sorry not gonna trust u
brochips 104750472 : lol
72432858 : People acting like dips don’t happen. Patience
brochips : trust no one
Krystian 1983 : no is not that was the z big Lebowski number
Lnova : Yeah I don’t mind the drop cause this stock has been retracing and going up higher since last night… well we shall see!
Oozzie : it gained 100% during market just yesterday
104750472 : Sorry not gonna trust u

brochips 104750472 : lol
72432858 : People acting like dips don’t happen. Patience
brochips : trust no one
Krystian 1983 : no is not
that was the z big Lebowski number 

Lnova : Yeah I don’t mind the drop cause this stock has been retracing and going up higher since last night… well we shall see!
Oozzie : it gained 100% during market just yesterday