Invest in it, and it will provide well. Trade it and it provides well. This stock has basically been paying me to trade it and I gain money as well as additional shares.
That was the decision to make when going into it. I've been trading this one. Holding 25k shares at the moment and I think it is a good long term investment. However, I will continue to swing trade it and possibly day trade it to create income. It has paid for itself a few times over now. But like Tech Savvy said, you shouldn't consider it an investment or at least not in the short term at least and I would only hold on to shares that have paid for themselves
叮叮当 :
ThatTimGuy : Invest in it, and it will provide well. Trade it and it provides well. This stock has basically been paying me to trade it and I gain money as well as additional shares.
TechSavy : now watch, it will drop back into the .20s and hold for months. this was a day trade or swing trade ONLY.
Direevil OP ThatTimGuy : what do you mean, you want me to keep this..?
D624Li ThatTimGuy : 我0.7 买的 还有希望吗
ThatTimGuy Direevil OP : That was the decision to make when going into it. I've been trading this one. Holding 25k shares at the moment and I think it is a good long term investment. However, I will continue to swing trade it and possibly day trade it to create income. It has paid for itself a few times over now. But like Tech Savvy said, you shouldn't consider it an investment or at least not in the short term at least and I would only hold on to shares that have paid for themselves