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Top KingWin Announces Update to Supply Chain Business - Tuoxun Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Signs A Letter of Intent with Top KingWin's Subsidiary, Guji Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

GuangZhou, China, Sept. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Top Kingwin Ltd (the "Company") (NASDAQ - TCJH) announced today that its subsidiary, Guji Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. ("Guji Technology") signed a nonbinding letter of intent ("LOI") with Tuoxun Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. ("Tuoxun Technology"), for the potential sale of 1,000 units of Lenovo Think System SR588/860 servers to Tuoxun Technology. The term of the LOI is one year from September 30, 2024 to September 29, 2025, and the parties may not enter into any definitive purchase agreement. The final purchase price will be decided based on the listed market price and the minimum market price for the product to be set forth in a definitive purchase agreement.
Guji Technology's hardware supply chain business continues to expand, covering areas such as servers, integrated circuits and tablet computers. By continuously growing its market share in supply chain products, Guji Technology plans to enhance its reputation in the market.
Guji Technology CEO Wei Dai commented: "With the rising demand for data processing, providing robust servers has become a key part of our supply chain business. By supplying these servers to Tuoxun Technology, we are expanding our market share in supply chain products."
Guji Technology remains committed to providing hardware supply to its customers to meet the growing demands. Looking ahead, Guji Technology plans to continue to deepen its partnerships within the industry and further expand its market presence in hardware supply chain.
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only. Read more
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