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Toward the elimination of SNS investment groups

There are many people who have suffered damage when investing in Hong Kong stocks for the first time, and this stock. There are people who called attention on Moomoo, but I think there are many people who arrive here after actually being damaged.
I think there are many people who want to get it back, but it's actually quite difficult. If damage is actually suffered, they will be desperate to recover it and will not be able to make normal decisions. I don't think we should forget that piggybacking on fraud groups and trying to get them back = other people are harmed.
There are also groups where there are many people who are actually trying to get them back, but both talk and fraud group monitoring are on a 24-hour system. Even so, it was not possible to raise profits drastically, and there are even people who have further increased their negative impact.
In order not to increase the number of victims any further, we are thinking about what can be done to eradicate fraud groups. I think there are pros and cons, but I would appreciate it if you could write down your wisdom.
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  • DuffDuff OP : Incidentally, I am a victim of 01842.
    It's been about half a year, and I'm posting after being in various groups and having a certain level of knowledge about trends in teachers and assistants.
    I'm sure there are people who don't like this post because they want to piggyback on fraud, but I'm looking forward to your opinions on how to eradicate it.

  • DuffDuff OP : Even if you write “this is a scam” in a group talk, it will simply be erased and forced to unsubscribe.
    The profile name used by the group is written as “This is a scam,” and if you unsubscribe yourself, it is impossible for the other party (teacher or assistant) to delete it, so the group will disappear at an early stage.
    “00 (profile name) has withdrawn.” It's probably not convenient if that display remains.

    Once you unsubscribe, you can't check it yourself, but if there's another self in the same group, you can check it.
    It's about creating an account with another smartphone, tablet, or PC, and monitoring the group with 2 devices.
    I've successfully eliminated several groups until now.

    Please let me know if there are any other methods.

  • 詐欺師撲滅運動家 DuffDuff OP : I'm also sending out various information 😊

    This time, I'm tormented by the anguish of not being able to help the people in the group even though I knew it 😭

    So I'd like to ask, there were probably people in my group who acted similarly, but the open chat was closed at that moment, and I was invited to another open chat again 😥
    In that case, it seems that it will continue in the next open chat without being able to watch that open chat after all 😥

    Also, in the midst of sakura and the others right before Niagara, there was an atmosphere where even if one person sent such a thing in the middle of a further rise in stock prices, no one would look at it 😥

    I thought it was very sad and painful, but what do you think was the correct response at such times?

    In the end, I was convinced it was a scam, but I couldn't do anything with that group 😭

    Is there anything I can do right now? 😥

  • DuffDuff OP : If you're in a fraud group, there are many people who clearly know it's Sakura.
    Among them, the reality is that only a few people, or myself, including myself, are ducks.
    That's why there are so many groups.
    I don't think it's possible to eradicate fraud other than steadily doing what you can rather than doing nothing.

    Even if that doesn't save you from fraud, it can't be helped.
    Wouldn't it be nice if people thought about disappearing groups all over the place and removing Japan from being targeted by fraud?

  • 詐欺師撲滅運動家 DuffDuff OP : Thank you for your answers 😊
    I'll do my best to do what I can 👍

  • 183546317 : I have a consultation, but if I write it here, everyone will be able to see it, right? Can you listen to the story elsewhere?

  • DuffDuff OP : I received a scolding from a certain group.
    People who wish to eradicate fraud groups and those who piggyback on fraud groups have their own way of thinking.
    I am on the side hoping for elimination. This is a post prepared for pros and cons, so it's a problem even if it comes up under pressure.

  • LuLuLunLun : If we wanted it to be eradicated, wouldn't it have been better if we just said that? I think it's going to be a bit confusing since I'm going to talk about people who are going out of their way to take back stock. I think what DuffDuff wanted to say was conveyed even if I didn't write that.

    However, the opponent is a professional scammer. I think it would be difficult to eradicate it. Please do your best to do what you can.

  • LuLuLunLun : Maybe one way is to raise Japan's low level of financial literacy first.

  • 183481950 : What I can say calmly now is that fraud starts when there is a ridiculous amount of turnover and the price isn't low! That's when it's time to prepare

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