+16.1% 29METALS ($29Metals Ltd (29M.AU)$) - No news, copper price continues to rally and copper stocks with it, short term trend has turned up
+14.4% Baby Bunting Group ($Baby Bunting Group Ltd (BBN.AU)$) - Change of Director's Interest Notice - Donna Player (on market purchase ~$18.3k), upgraded to overweight from equal-weight at Morgan Stanley, price target increased to $2.20 from $1.65
+13.0% Terracom ($TerraCom Ltd (TER.AU)$) - Change of Director's Interest Notice (M Lochtenberg) (on market purchase ~$348k)
+11.4% Pacific Smiles Group ($Pacific Smiles Group Ltd (PSQ.AU)$) - Revised Non-Binding Indicative Proposal from Genesis Capital, rise is consistent with prevailing short term uptrend, long term trend transitioning to up
+7.8% K&S Corporation ($K&S Corp Ltd (KSC.AU)$) - No news, rise is consistent with prevailing short and long term uptrends
+7.3% Macmahon Holdings ($Macmahon Holdings Ltd (MAH.AU)$) - No news, rise is consistent with prevailing short and long term uptrends
+7.0% Bellevue Gold ($Bellevue Gold Ltd (BGL.AU)$) - High-grade shoots identified at Deacon and UBS Mid & Emerging Resources Presentation, rise is consistent with prevailing short and long term uptrends