冰戈老斯基 : Some
Christina AG OP 冰戈老斯基 : When was the notification sent? Where did you see it?
冰戈老斯基 Christina AG OP : It has been more than twenty days since the news section.
爷向你竖起中指 : May I ask, at what time is the merger? Thank you to those who know for letting me know, thank you all.
冰戈老斯基 : Some
Christina AG OP 冰戈老斯基 : When was the notification sent? Where did you see it?
冰戈老斯基 Christina AG OP : It has been more than twenty days since the news section.
爷向你竖起中指 : May I ask, at what time is the merger? Thank you to those who know for letting me know, thank you all.