Malt shake : Theocratic demagogue.
Tonyco : Slugs for salt!
iamiam Tonyco : you will never break free and always be trapped by your own beliefs. stay on the bottom, my friend.
iamiam Malt shake : you are a warmonger
Stock_Drift : It’s a meme stock, now.
Simon 5183 Malt shake : At least much better than the instigators of communism
Malt shake : Theocratic demagogue.
Tonyco : Slugs for salt!
iamiam Tonyco : you will never break free and always be trapped by your own beliefs. stay on the bottom, my friend.
iamiam Malt shake : you are a warmonger
Stock_Drift : It’s a meme stock, now.
Simon 5183 Malt shake : At least much better than the instigators of communism