Sunshine on the Rain
Well I think no matter who becomes the president importantly free from war so people don’t have to suffer and think for the people’s with care and concern and not trying to manipulate anyone or any group and gain their own personal interests.
Everyone’s are born to be kind and not born to hurt or cheat and scam others for their hard earned money .
Be kind to each other in-order to build a better world free from war and freedom of speech.
Sunshine on the Rain
Hopefully this time new president can really place down their own basis and understanding of people to really hear out what the people really got to say and digest it truthfully and honestly before make any wrong decisions which causes people to suffer.
Sunshine on the Rain
These wishes sit n fit the Christian Right predominately at this time! Ghe slow ones are so mislead by ghe Evil MSM Legacy Misinformation sprew Ed on them Daily!
Sunshine on the Rain OP : Rising of the SUN.
Sunshine on the Rain OP : Well I think no matter who becomes the president importantly free from war so people don’t have to suffer and think for the people’s with care and concern and not trying to manipulate anyone or any group and gain their own personal interests.
Everyone’s are born to be kind and not born to hurt or cheat and scam others for their hard earned money .
Be kind to each other in-order to build a better world free from war and freedom of speech.
Sunshine on the Rain OP : Hopefully this time new president can really place down their own basis and understanding of people to really hear out what the people really got to say and digest it truthfully and honestly before make any wrong decisions which causes people to suffer.
72734102 Sunshine on the Rain OP : These wishes sit n fit the Christian Right predominately at this time! Ghe slow ones are so mislead by ghe Evil MSM Legacy Misinformation sprew Ed on them Daily!