backtoeden OP : Thousand percent sure they not using their hard earned money
Pawtastic : 2 billion shares shorted. If lose $10 per share. Thats 20 billion. Will these ppl have this amt to pay?
backtoeden OP Pawtastic : It’s not their money they r using obviously
backtoeden OP Pawtastic : They will lose it through the system. Just to bring this thing down.
Raffierca backtoeden OP : They couldnt bring it down back when they had some control! They can’t bring it down now. TO THE MOON
backtoeden OP Raffierca : They still doing it otherwise we will not be at 30 now
backtoeden OP : Thousand percent sure they not using their hard earned money
Pawtastic : 2 billion shares shorted. If lose $10 per share. Thats 20 billion. Will these ppl have this amt to pay?
backtoeden OP Pawtastic : It’s not their money they r using obviously
backtoeden OP Pawtastic : They will lose it through the system. Just to bring this thing down.
Raffierca backtoeden OP : They couldnt bring it down back when they had some control! They can’t bring it down now. TO THE MOON
backtoeden OP Raffierca : They still doing it otherwise we will not be at 30 now