here’s my thesis, take it or leave it. according to fintel the stock is 42% shorted, providing a great squeeze potential, and image how many options is in the money right now that funds need buy to hedge their risk.. according to chart exchange theres around 50m contract each represent 100 share with a strike price of 40 expiring this friday. to be fair i really think 50-60 is easy…
Yuan Qi3 : Too many bulls bet this stock will go long. Bulls will get squeezed
johnny1120 OP : It’s like GME AMC all over again
johnny1120 OP Yuan Qi3 : Yea but lots of shorts too
johnny1120 OP : And too be fair dealing with these kind of stock there no point of looking at fundamentals. I try to do a valuation on gme after it gets all its cash, the conclusion I made is the company is not going down so as long as short don’t close holding GameStop is a ticket to short squeeze, holding it long enough eventually u will hit the jackpot so just need time and patience.