This garbage isn't worth 5 bucks a share. Maybe read some news? My crystal ball saw this coming 10 miles away! The con is strong with this one!
Fear Not! As Trump garners more n more people support from the Election Interference attempts his popularity will CRUSH the Marxist trying to stop Him! And DJT will skyrocket! It’s a waiting game to big Profits!
randy29 : I bought it at 66.5.
Phukngruvin : This garbage isn't worth 5 bucks a share. Maybe read some news? My crystal ball saw this coming 10 miles away! The con is strong with this one!
Miniwhale : When Trump becomes the president again, this price is only a change.
VJong OP randy29 : Sorry I read wrongly , I entered at 66.33
二十壹次心雨非 : 71
loving Liger_9816 Miniwhale : Trump's first criminal trial started today. He's facing jail time. Don't bet on making money on this worthless stock.
Miniwhale loving Liger_9816 : He will never go to jail.
The Warlock Miniwhale : when Trump beco..... STFU. trash stock, trash human, trash followers
72734102 : Fear Not! As Trump garners more n more people support from the Election Interference attempts his popularity will CRUSH the Marxist trying to stop Him! And DJT will skyrocket! It’s a waiting game to big Profits!
明天我要继续搬砖 : Damn, no good, please do something to bring up the price, the donations is too much. !!!!