Boanerges : Your intuition is correct.
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身骑梦马 OP Boanerges : We don't know the future! Believe in what you want to believe in the present!
74393072 : You will definitely regret your intuition. And no one makes money relying on intuition. You might have better odds relying on intuition at the casino.
Amy520520 : Yes, let's see how long we can suppress it.
身骑梦马 OP 74393072 : Thank you for your kind reminder!
Boanerges : Your intuition is correct.
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身骑梦马 OP Boanerges : We don't know the future! Believe in what you want to believe in the present!
74393072 : You will definitely regret your intuition. And no one makes money relying on intuition. You might have better odds relying on intuition at the casino.
Amy520520 : Yes, let's see how long we can suppress it.
身骑梦马 OP 74393072 : Thank you for your kind reminder!