They said on the news.. they broke in it's an emergency announcement..and they said if you see one of these monkeys run and lock yourself in a car or in a house and then in the next sentence they said but you have nothing to worry about call 911 them know where you are.
I can just see they're going to bring people in these level 4 containment suits . they're going to quarantine the person and throw them in a lab to make sure they don't crash with Ebola.
it just seems really fucking fishy yeah the guy forgot to lock the doors in the cages.. yeah and come on. a long time ago in a galaxy far far away I worked at NIH in Bethesda Maryland. I work in the dental research Ward which had nothing to do with your teeth and everything to do with cancer research. on my floor were 10,000 rats ballpark and we would constantly inject them with tumor let It grow harvest it and the cycle continues so that the doctors could do research using fresh tumor. on other floors were your dogs your monkeys chimpanzees you name it they had it and I didn't particularly like going to the other floors because there are cats dogs monkeys chimps and it just never was humane when you see these animals in pain. and I know the argument that drugs are being created for the benefit of humans and I know all of that so the no reason to say it. anyways the point where I'm going with this long twisted convoluted story is you've got a lab where the animals are and that door locks and then you have a door to the floor and that door was a pass key that was used to open and close it so that door is always locked and then depending on the floor you have an elevator in the hallway so let's suppose you go down stairs you exit now you have another door in order to go outside that's locked so I don't know how the particular lab was set up where these monkeys were but they seem to be a lot smarter than most Democrats if they're able to navigate through all of the locked doors and hallways in order to escape. needless to say I smell a rat
yeah, if anyone believes they have 40 research monkeys in one cage. People are dummer than monkeys . As for the elevator, I guess the monkeys swapped a scan card. The vaccine made them smarter!
OMG I live in SC and I've seen this facility, There is an island that they retire the monkeys to, also. I've lived here all my life and just found out about 2 yrs ago when I drove past it and did some research. It's called Alpha Genesis... isn't that freaky?
no they wouldn't each one is separated they're all in their own cages I mean rats are different you know rats we would have 20 to 50 that were all injected with a certain culture a certain cancer cell but with monkeys with cats with dogs they're all kept in their own separate locked cages. so that's what I'm saying to listen to these people on TV and believe that this person forgot to lock the cage we're talking it's 43 monkeys was the number 43 cages were forgotten to be locked and the doors to the lab and the outside of the building would have been left wide open. never in a million years is this story credible no way.
Stock Therapy : next season on 2024…
10baggerbamm OP : They said on the news.. they broke in it's an emergency announcement..and they said if you see one of these monkeys run and lock yourself in a car or in a house and then in the next sentence they said but you have nothing to worry about call 911 them know where you are.
I can just see they're going to bring people in these level 4 containment suits . they're going to quarantine the person and throw them in a lab to make sure they don't crash with Ebola.
MonkeyGee : next pandemic in the making. how do 40 monkey
escape? are these planet of the ape monkeys?
10baggerbamm OP MonkeyGee : it just seems really fucking fishy yeah the guy forgot to lock the doors in the cages.. yeah and come on.
a long time ago in a galaxy far far away I worked at NIH in Bethesda Maryland. I work in the dental research Ward which had nothing to do with your teeth and everything to do with cancer research. on my floor were 10,000 rats ballpark and we would constantly inject them with tumor let It grow harvest it and the cycle continues so that the doctors could do research using fresh tumor. on other floors were your dogs your monkeys chimpanzees you name it they had it and I didn't particularly like going to the other floors because there are cats dogs monkeys chimps and it just never was humane when you see these animals in pain. and I know the argument that drugs are being created for the benefit of humans and I know all of that so the no reason to say it.
anyways the point where I'm going with this long twisted convoluted story is you've got a lab where the animals are and that door locks and then you have a door to the floor and that door was a pass key that was used to open and close it so that door is always locked and then depending on the floor you have an elevator in the hallway so let's suppose you go down stairs you exit now you have another door in order to go outside that's locked so I don't know how the particular lab was set up where these monkeys were but they seem to be a lot smarter than most Democrats if they're able to navigate through all of the locked doors and hallways in order to escape.
needless to say I smell a rat
MonkeyGee : yeah, if anyone believes they have 40 research monkeys in one cage. People are dummer than monkeys . As for the elevator, I guess the monkeys swapped a scan card. The vaccine made them smarter!
Candy077 MonkeyGee : OMG I live in SC and I've seen this facility, There is an island that they retire the monkeys to, also. I've lived here all my life and just found out about 2 yrs ago when I drove past it and did some research. It's called Alpha Genesis... isn't that freaky?
10baggerbamm OP MonkeyGee : no they wouldn't each one is separated they're all in their own cages I mean rats are different you know rats we would have 20 to 50 that were all injected with a certain culture a certain cancer cell but with monkeys with cats with dogs they're all kept in their own separate locked cages.
so that's what I'm saying to listen to these people on TV and believe that this person forgot to lock the cage we're talking it's 43 monkeys was the number 43 cages were forgotten to be locked and the doors to the lab and the outside of the building would have been left wide open. never in a million years is this story credible no way.
MonkeyGee Candy077 : Straight out of planet of the ape!