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$Trump Media & Technology (DJT.US)$ our resident trader Sarg...

$Trump Media & Technology (DJT.US)$ our resident trader Sarge ( Stephen Guifoyle) I was listening to a short while ago on Fox Business and he threw out something that is worth sharing if you don't follow him I would encourage it. he's saying that most of the bounce today and his opinion and not making a political statement is due to the vice president pick by Harris because her pic is a very left-leaning radical selection it tips the scales back in Trump's favor.
I guess my question to Sarge would be if that's the case why didn't djt rally today??? because if the correlation is strictly a rally based off of Harris's pick and the scales tipping back to Trump then this stock djt should have rallied quite a bit.
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  • John H Bradberry : The pick pretty much locked up the election for Harris

  • Simon 5183 : Two radical liberals in the Democratic Party will take America to hell!

  • 10baggerbamm OP 10baggerbamm OP : oh and let's not forget what they want to do Harris to support her whole equity Marxist socialist agenda is proposing unrealized games in the stock market be taxed annually. think about that you're a long-term investor you've got Microsoft for 15 years you got Nvidia for 5 years pick any company that is done well that is part of your estate your net worth now they're going to tax you annually EVEN IF YOU DONT SELL!! how much well if she follows the path in Europe and other countries which is as fucked up as you can get. they're hitting people for as high as 70% taxes. you know these are the countries that routinely rate is the happiest but nobody owns a house they all live in little shit box apartments because they can't afford houses. so this is the Harris agenda this is her dream for equity redistribution because you can listen to it in your own words we all don't start off at the same point so even though there's equality it's not equity so we need to do things we need legislation so there's equity for all.

  • 10baggerbamm OP : here's your Progressive Marxist, Harris pick, this is what he stands for these are his policies.

  • John H Bradberry 10baggerbamm OP : People in Minnesota from both sides like the guy though he had the most productive legislative state in the country worked with republicans and democrats and found common ground instead of throwing insults

  • 10baggerbamm OP John H Bradberry : well there's people that like Biden they're not too bright either

  • 10baggerbamm OP John H Bradberry : yeah the tampons and the boys bathroom is fantastic that's just an amazing idea

  • John H Bradberry 10baggerbamm OP : I think he’s just a genuinely nice guy and people like him bc he is honest and doesn’t make stuff up when pressured for an awnswer. Compared to Vance this guy is going to help Harris chances more than Vance helps Trumps. It’s going to be a super close election now where Trump would have won by a huge margin against Biden

  • 10baggerbamm OP John H Bradberry : if you believe in Marxism you got your guy if your communist that's the Progressive party by the way look up their history then you got the right guy just keep voting Harris she's the socialist Obama version 3.0 another puppet to have decisions made for them by the deep state

  • John H Bradberry 10baggerbamm OP : lol that’s not how I view him but your entitled to your own opinions

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