perfectly broke
can't blame him ....looses election gets charged with enough felony's too choose an elephant...all of it is a big scam ...I'd be flipping out
Uh, he said nothing last night that he doesn't already have on repeat. He isn't a dynamic person. he has the things he knows to say and the only thing he can do is regurgitate those few things, with the available list seeming to grow smaller than ever.
Terri Kay
Get slandered by corrupt cogs who do nothing good when you’ve accomplished billionaire status? Justice is coming for those frauds and His Name is Jesus!
perfectly broke : can't blame him ....looses election gets charged with enough felony's too choose an elephant...all of it is a big scam ...I'd be flipping out
justin213 : Uh, he said nothing last night that he doesn't already have on repeat. He isn't a dynamic person. he has the things he knows to say and the only thing he can do is regurgitate those few things, with the available list seeming to grow smaller than ever.
Ultratech OP perfectly broke : why do you defend him
Terri Kay : Get slandered by corrupt cogs who do nothing good when you’ve accomplished billionaire status? Justice is coming for those frauds and His Name is Jesus!
Ultratech OP Terri Kay : huh?
John H Bradberry Terri Kay : I think it’s fair to say no one who becomes president is making it into heaven but especially not Trump