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$Trump Media & Technology (DJT.US)$ Watch this Monday or any...

Watch this Monday or any days next week. Elon Musk donated huge sum to Trump-related Super Pac. The amount will be revealed when election finance will be reported by July 17.
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  • John H Bradberry : So much for American first he’s going to Canada for money now bc he is falling behind sleep Joe for donations??? My god you guys let a con artist hijack your party

  • Jaguar8 OP John H Bradberry : I just post what I read on the news. I don’t care which party is involved. I play the trade and don’t put emotions on it.

  • Trytosaveabit Jaguar8 OP : Never ceases to amaze me how you or I ( really anyone ) just post news about ( The orange bad man ) and jackass leftists are so triggered by just his name. That they will attack or have a smartass comment! Hell the last post I made I even said ( this has zero to do with Trump! Or whether I like or not ) but because it had his name, people lost their minds and made it a opportunity to hurl insults and lies that they learned from MSNBC! Hehehe!  I pray they don’t trade the way they search for news? Trump has turned around and beat Joes Hollywood donations buy a significant amount and he also don’t have to use Obama and Clinton at a upto 500K dinner to out raise Joe! So again say anything that has Trumps name just associated with the post and these people will believe anything and can’t see the truth because of sadly broken brains from TDS! They just can’t help but to just lash out whenever they hear/see Bad Orange Man! Hehehe

  • Trytosaveabit : Careful about posting facts about Bad Orange Man! Crazy broke brain leftists will make it personal and attack you! Hehehe Even though it just News and a Fact to trade on! But the big bad orange man has given them TDS and now their broke brain can’t sort the difference! Kinda like a dog that’s been beat terrible with a belt for years! Now I just want to wear the belt but man if that dog even sees a belt he losses his mind! Hehehe!

  • potsy52 : I like the 1440 news/ just tells you what happened without all the spin/ to be forewarned is to be fore armed

  • Jaguar8 OP Trytosaveabit : And their audacity to insult me like they know me. They should be appreciative that I gave them hint on a possible profitable trade. Just people devoid of sheer gumption playing smart alecks

  • Jaguar8 OP Trytosaveabit : And I’m pretty sure they will trade it too. Haha

  • Trytosaveabit Jaguar8 OP : So true! Small minded! These type should heed ( better to keep quiet and be thought possibly dumb? Than open you mouth and prove it ) Hehehe.

  • Trytosaveabit Jaguar8 OP : Oh absolutely! Bite the hand that feeds you! But as they assume you’re morally deficient, they have zero issue profiting from what you’ve said! If for one second they actually believe any of the bile they spew? There would be no way they could use the information you post to profit? Otherwise they themselves would be the morally bankrupt person! But as we both know. They have zero conviction. Just like to be horrible for horrible sake.

  • Jaguar8 OP Trytosaveabit : Just pathetic individuals. This is a trading platform. This is not an election booth or rally[undefined] They should stop trading and rather spend their time elsewhere or go to the boondocks

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