Miniwhale : Naked shorting and 60%+ dark pools, they are working hard to protect their a$$
EUGENE啊梁 : Rubbish
乘風起扶搖上 Miniwhale : 做空的意思?
joejoejoejoejoe : yesterday it goes up 18%, of course it needs to retrace abit. then go up again ma.
104675382 乘風起扶搖上 : They just sell the stock and then wait to buy it back when it falls. The difference in the middle is that they make money, this is just shorting
乘風起扶搖上 104675382 : Is this not what shorts refer to in the jargon?
104675382 乘風起扶搖上 : Don't understand.Is 'I have never heard of shorts' the same meaning?
乘風起扶搖上 104675382 : I don't understand either, probably, when I just learned before, every time I saw everyone kept scolding shorts
103172898 乘風起扶搖上 : Short is called shorts
Diamond hand : time to bullish
Miniwhale : Naked shorting and 60%+ dark pools, they are working hard to protect their a$$
EUGENE啊梁 : Rubbish
乘風起扶搖上 Miniwhale : 做空的意思?
joejoejoejoejoe : yesterday it goes up 18%, of course it needs to retrace abit. then go up again ma.
104675382 乘風起扶搖上 : They just sell the stock and then wait to buy it back when it falls. The difference in the middle is that they make money, this is just shorting
乘風起扶搖上 104675382 : Is this not what shorts refer to in the jargon?
104675382 乘風起扶搖上 : Don't understand.Is 'I have never heard of shorts' the same meaning?
乘風起扶搖上 104675382 : I don't understand either, probably, when I just learned before, every time I saw everyone kept scolding shorts
103172898 乘風起扶搖上 : Short is called shorts
Diamond hand : time to bullish