151805933 : Time to run for your life
poorboyhasmoneybrain : first assassination attempt spike up to 45. get ready baby
SamQQQ OP 151805933 : Run? It’s not in my dictionary
股海无边 poorboyhasmoneybrain : It was not even shoot out, jz purely make story and make vibe to let Trump sell high to you all...
Simon 5183 股海无边 : 你用肛门看见特朗普卖出?
151805933 : Time to run for your life
poorboyhasmoneybrain : first assassination attempt spike up to 45. get ready baby
SamQQQ OP 151805933 : Run? It’s not in my dictionary
股海无边 poorboyhasmoneybrain : It was not even shoot out, jz purely make story and make vibe to let Trump sell high to you all...
Simon 5183 股海无边 : 你用肛门看见特朗普卖出?