people are betting on a Trump victory, which I think is a fool’s bet. The election is certainly going to be close and I think instead of betting on one candidate, we should be investing in solid businesses that are making money. $DJT Trump Media is a perfect example of the Trump trade. People are betting that Trump winning will somehow make this company that has no prospects for ever making any money suddenly valuable. I think those people are going to be very disappointed when DJT stock collapses in goes to zero, which by the way has happened with every other time that anyone has invested with Trump. They always lose all of their money. Trump will make money, but the investors (has Trump suckers) will all lose their money. just like they did with his Atlantic City casinos, which traded under the same ticker symbol DJ T. The company went under and the suckers who bought the stock got nothing.
Truth Hurts : you better hope he wins!!! she's going to make this country a laughing stock it's not even going to be a country anymore if she gets elected!!! I don't understand how the American people are so slow they actually have faith in her Don't see it people need to stop watching TV
easy--money Truth Hurts : exactly especially CNN and NBC watch Fox then you get the truth a true fact
DaytradeSwing : My advice:
Learn how to trade and not “invest”.
Trading has nothing to do with how a company conducts its business. Read this over and over until you understand that.
People have been making money here since it’s run from 11$ …
John Wells PhD Math OP DaytradeSwing : Trading that ignores, the fundamentals of the company is really just gambling and eventually you will lose all your money. The only ones who make money on that are the market makers and to a lesser extent brokers.
DaytradeSwing John Wells PhD Math OP : If you wanna call it that sure. The stock market is gambling my guy. Regardless if it’s Tesla, banks stocks, or penny stocks. All a gamble.
Trading has nothing to do with how a company conducts its business. Really. Look at DJT, it’s been uptrend since 11$.. not because it has “fundamentals”, it moves because people speculate, and trade, and the price is always king. It’s really not difficult.
John Wells PhD Math OP DaytradeSwing : Investing based on fundamentals is not gambling. It is buying part ownership in a business. I’ve been doing it for over 50 years and have consistently beaten the market by simply relying on fundamental analysis. The simplest way to do it would be to buy an S&P 500 fund or the Vanguard total index VTI, and you can expect returns of approximately 9 to 10% per year based on historical averages. Unlike gambling or daytrading, if you do this long enough, you will make lots of money.
John Wells PhD Math OP John Wells PhD Math OP : And I guess it’s all a question of what you’re trying to do. If you’re trying to make money in the long haul, investing is the way to go. If you’re trying to and hope you get lucky then trading is for you but be aware if you trade long enough, you will lose all of your money.
DaytradeSwing John Wells PhD Math OP : Well that’s just simply not true. I’ve been trading since 2021 full time, and I trade daily and swing trade.
I’ve invested before and lost all of my money holding …but trading is a different beast.
Good luck to you.