The VIX generally has a negative correlation with the stock market. When one goes up, the other goes down. If you look at the VIX performance over the last six months, there have been a few points where it looks similar to the TSX as a whole, but overall when the VIX has been high, the TSX has been low, and vice versa. For example, in early September the VIX was at a low of 4.63, meaning it predicted little market volatility. The TSX was down at 883.26 at that same time, then it immediately moved into a steady increase over the following month. It followed the pattern over 30 days predicted by the VIX.
A high VIX means there is a greater chance of market turmoil, as a rising index means investor fear is rising. The index also tells us if options are cheap or expensive, as higher volatility means higher premiums for options.
Investor takeaway
There are many figures and indexes you can follow when trying to gauge the stock market. The S&P TSX 60 VIX is a helpful index to watch when you want to gauge overall market volatility.
Kevin Matte : i like to watch the VVIX Index to