There is no Robotaxi. it's going to be just an announcement that there are plans in the work to get automation to a level that can be used for robotaxi. tell me if the car can't even park itself, how will it drive itself? I hate to see the drop after the announcement! This ship is sinking or, more properly, this car is crashing.
it bLows my mind that you couLd even ask a question such as saying “ How wiLL the car park itseLf “ or “ How wiLL it drive itseLf “ because you obviousLy are not paying attention to anything that TESLA is doing…Lmaoo ! You think ArtificiaL inteLLigence can’t park a car when aLL they do is drive around 24/7 coLLecting more data then your brain can even comprehend ? Since you won’t do what i recommend just seLL your TESLA shares
Ditto and Robotaxi aLone with 1 miLLion cars on the road earning $250 a day with a 15% take rate wouLd automaticaLLy doubLe the companies revenue & that’s onLy 1 stream of income when they stiLL have so many different outLets as weLL so Long term i am rite there with you ! BuiLding ROME didn’t happen in 1 day and i apoLogize if i came off rude in my comment to anyone but peopLe Love to HATE TESLA & ELON & they don’t even know why ! This company is far from trash and that’s why i encourage peopLe to do their own DD 🫡
MonkeyGee : There is no Robotaxi. it's going to be just an announcement that there are plans in the work to get automation to a level that can be used for robotaxi. tell me if the car can't even park itself, how will it drive itself? I hate to see the drop after the announcement! This ship is sinking or, more properly, this car is crashing.
Jessicamerica : Tesla possibly coming down to the 100-125 area
Silverbat : Don’t get lost in the “morning fog”.
Julia G M OP MonkeyGee : I know there will not be any and it could take very long to see the light of day. Let's see what the future holds.
Julia G M OP Jessicamerica : 160 needs to crack first. So far, it has defended it.
Julia G M OP Silverbat :
BiGEAGLE719 : it bLows my mind that you couLd even ask a question such as saying “ How wiLL the car park itseLf “ or “ How wiLL it drive itseLf “ because you obviousLy are not paying attention to anything that TESLA is doing…Lmaoo ! You think ArtificiaL inteLLigence can’t park a car when aLL they do is drive around 24/7 coLLecting more data then your brain can even comprehend ? Since you won’t do what i recommend just seLL your TESLA shares
Julia G M OP BiGEAGLE719 : To be fair, Tesla is huge and its future with robotics will be mind blowing. I remain bullish long-term.
BiGEAGLE719 : Ditto and Robotaxi aLone with 1 miLLion cars on the road earning $250 a day with a 15% take rate wouLd automaticaLLy doubLe the companies revenue & that’s onLy 1 stream of income when they stiLL have so many different outLets as weLL so Long term i am rite there with you ! BuiLding ROME didn’t happen in 1 day and i apoLogize if i came off rude in my comment to anyone but peopLe Love to HATE TESLA & ELON & they don’t even know why ! This company is far from trash and that’s why i encourage peopLe to do their own DD 🫡
MonkeyGee BiGEAGLE719 : you forget to minus the lawsuit from accidental death.
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