151650591 : Not at 350 but at 385 may be
SPACELIGHT : So, what you are thinking aloud to us is that if price hits $350, you could but may not load up at $350. Obviously, that's your business and not ours.
SKYWalkers : when u load up at 350, please show screenshots
103662178 OP SKYWalkers : only if it goes that down
SKYWalkers 103662178 OP : what if it goes to 250?
103662178 OP SKYWalkers : DCA
SKYWalkers 103662178 OP : as long as u got a plan
151650591 : Not at 350 but at 385 may be
SPACELIGHT : So, what you are thinking
aloud to us is that if price hits $350, you could but may not load up at $350. Obviously, that's your business and not ours.
SKYWalkers : when u load up at 350, please show screenshots
103662178 OP SKYWalkers : only if it goes that down
SKYWalkers 103662178 OP : what if it goes to 250?
103662178 OP SKYWalkers : DCA
SKYWalkers 103662178 OP : as long as u got a plan