When I wanted to sell it in the morning, it stopped before running a few times; when I wanted to sell it, it went down and climbed up; when I wanted to sell it and fell 7.3, it went up a few times; 6.90 and 6.86 at night, I don't know why they bought other people's and mine always hung on it
andy(三叔) : How many times are you selling?
74151757 OP andy(三叔) : When I wanted to sell it in the morning, it stopped before running a few times; when I wanted to sell it, it went down and climbed up; when I wanted to sell it and fell 7.3, it went up a few times; 6.90 and 6.86 at night, I don't know why they bought other people's and mine always hung on it
andy(三叔) 74151757 OP : I have a vending machine, but I have one online