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"Turning Point: The Rise of ARM and the Restructuring of the PC Market"

$Arm Holdings (ARM.US)$ The relationship between Microsoft and Intel has established the foundation of the IT industry over several decades. Intel's processors, along with Microsoft's Windows OS, became the standard for desktops and laptops, leading to their relationship being known as "Wintel." However, one day, Microsoft made a decision that shook the industry. They announced a transition from Intel's processors to the ARM architecture.

Prologue: Ripples
In early 2023, a secret and important meeting was held at Microsoft headquarters in Redmond. CEO Satya Nadella, along with top executives from engineering, marketing, and finance, gathered together. The agenda was to select the next-generation computing platform. The options included Intel, their long-time partner, as well as ARM, which was rapidly expanding in the market.

A few years ago, the performance and power efficiency of the ARM architecture were reevaluated due to its dominance in the smartphone market. As Apple announced their Macs equipped with their own M1 chips, which boasted overwhelming performance, Microsoft was also faced with a decision regarding their future.

Chapter 1: The Bond of Wintel
In the 1990s, Microsoft and Intel both built the golden age of personal computers. Intel's "x86" processor and Microsoft's Windows OS became the standard for desktop PCs worldwide, and their synergy was overwhelming. The two companies supported each other's success and enjoyed prosperity because of each other's existence.

However, with the proliferation of smartphones, tablets, and the advancement of cloud computing, the shape of computing was changing dramatically. Intel struggled in the mobile field and ARM architecture emerged as the new protagonist.

Chapter 2: The Emergence of ARM
The key features of ARM were its power efficiency and flexible design. It became mainstream in the smartphone and tablet market, and ARM-based processors started to be adopted in data centers. Apple's adoption of its own ARM-based chip further proved its reliability and performance.

Microsoft could not ignore this trend, especially considering the growth of its cloud service, Azure. An efficient processor was needed, and for the future of Windows, a platform that seamlessly operated from mobile to desktop was necessary.

Chapter 3: The Moment of Decision
In the conference room, opinions from the Intel camp and the ARM camp were flying. Intel's technology was reliable with no compatibility issues. On the other hand, ARM was expected to have future growth, but transitioning to a new architecture came with risks.

In the end, Nadella made a cautious yet bold decision. The transition to ARM architecture. This was a step for Microsoft to evolve from just a software company to a leader in a broader technology ecosystem.

Chapter End: Toward the Future.
In 2025, Microsoft announced new arm-based devices one after another, and the market welcomed them. This marked the end of a long history with Intel, but it was also the beginning of new growth. The new partnership with ARM became a new weapon for Microsoft to pioneer next-generation computing.

This decision was not just a matter of technological choice, but a strategic choice looking toward Microsoft's future. And while Intel faced new challenges, it continued to progress with its own reconstruction.
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