Once two savvy investors in New York bought the same stock they had both researched and had fantastic potential. The day after both bought their shares, one of the men left for India to go hunting for a month. A couple days later, the stock price plummeted 30% due to an analyst's downgrade of the stock. Panic selling ensued, and the man still in New York dumped his shares feeling lucky to get out only 30% down. One month later, the other man returned from India and by that time the stock was up 50% from where he had first purchased it.
The only difference between these two traders was that one sold because he saw red on his balance sheet and the other had no idea and was not checking the market.
This fable is played out a million times each day in the market. People selling or abandoning shares, or being blown out of their positions by Wall Street. If they don't learn, their mangled bodies will be dragged out of the Wall Street jungle never to be heard from again.
In this game, you have to stick to your guns. Most losers in Wall Street could easily be winners if they only believed in themselves. Believe, have conviction, and the world and yours is everything in it.
Mindfield : The market is rigged
UCHIHA GAMBLER : Falsifying balance sheets a abomination to the Lord

101644863 : welcome to the jungle