institutions are selling a loser and buying a winner. it's called window dressing. so they're dumping AMD as they've been doing straight down for the past 100 points and they're buying broadcom because the end of the quarter /year is drawing near and they need to show their clients that they had in their portfolio a huge winner in the chip sector in the 4th quarter
Tom 07 : Wow rude
10baggerbamm : institutions are selling a loser and buying a winner. it's called window dressing. so they're dumping AMD as they've been doing straight down for the past 100 points and they're buying broadcom because the end of the quarter /year is drawing near and they need to show their clients that they had in their portfolio a huge winner in the chip sector in the 4th quarter
kinseow10 OP : got rude meh? lol
Julyjing : Any act of judging someone's appearance is shameful.
Master Corgi 10baggerbamm : How nice to buy at ATH
Master Corgi kinseow10 OP : How can you call someone ugly!
10baggerbamm Master Corgi :