For funds, it doesn’t work like bank interest. As you subscribe on that day, the NAV may be announced by the fund house (UOBM in this case) the next day (provided you subscribe before cut-off time). So, the next day, it will confirm you have subscribed or bought the units at that NAV price. Then you have to wait another working day for the new NAV to be announced, only you will see that there is “interest” earned. After all, as with all funds, there is a lag time between when you deposit and when you earn interest.
102596151 : tis 1 not yet get. but i put maybank retail i-fund test run got profit edi.
Sheoninvest OP 102596151 : Hmmmm, what’s the issue then? Need to transfer to Maybank ?
102596151 Sheoninvest OP : up to u. i not sure tats y i need wait few more days to see. i plan monitor for 1 month.
Sheoninvest OP 102596151 : Okay2, thank you for the info.
102596151 Sheoninvest OP : USD tat 1 havent test.
Lam888 : For funds, it doesn’t work like bank interest. As you subscribe on that day, the NAV may be announced by the fund house (UOBM in this case) the next day (provided you subscribe before cut-off time). So, the next day, it will confirm you have subscribed or bought the units at that NAV price. Then you have to wait another working day for the new NAV to be announced, only you will see that there is “interest” earned. After all, as with all funds, there is a lag time between when you deposit and when you earn interest.
Sheoninvest OP Lam888 : Thank you for your info, Lam
stevencky :
102596151 : i just open saw got profit update edi. just late update. u just lack of some patient.
Ho Lee Fak : Any fees charges for this fund ?
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