Moomoo Buddy
Hi, the daily return here means changes of previous NAV of the fund vs latest NAV of the fund. Because there is no previous NAV of the fund, therefore the daily changes showing zero. The daily changes over here does not mean interest but the daily changes of the previous NAV of the fund vs latest NAV of the fund
Nedinsellian : Yesterday the fund market was stagnant. That's why no interest.
KC Hue OP Nedinsellian : Oh like that one!! Thks for clarification. It not like FD. But will the interest higher?
Moomoo Buddy : Hi, the daily return here means changes of previous NAV of the fund vs latest NAV of the fund. Because there is no previous NAV of the fund, therefore the daily changes showing zero. The daily changes over here does not mean interest but the daily changes of the previous NAV of the fund vs latest NAV of the fund