this comes from a president and his cabinet and vice president Harris who have no problems with an open border letting 12 million illegals in many of whom are Chinese Nationals many of whom have purchased land next to military bases for what reason I don't know, it comes from a president that permits a weather balloon right they called it a weather balloon to just fly over the United States and military bases deny a threat until a conservative publication came out and said look this is not what you think it is and then all of a sudden they shot it down but had to let it fly over the whole country first and transmit information back. you know the whole thing stinks quite frankly he's really concerned about Japan. Japan is an ally of the United States in case you haven't figured it out. they're not closing down us steel they're going to pump billions of dollars into it to modernize it. they're not going to lay off workers. you know just the whole idea that under the guise of national security risk you won't let it go through did someone have puts on this some high level political people maybe hedge funds that are politically aligned I'd be more inclined to bet that than national security risk
BearBear98 : You and rump grow up together you lie as much as he does. Stop making up stuff. 1st every felon in the country should allowed to appoint 3 friends to the Supreme court.
水无香ryan : Sir, don't reverse black and white. The liars are exactly Biden and Harris, who relied on being the mistress to climb up - a pair of liars who are full of lies.
72655922 : maybe u should let some of those illegals in Colorado spend Sunday brunch in ur house