what you need to have happen is Trump gets sworn in that's the first thing second he needs to be a executive order stop all purchases of DJ drones and cease and desist all usage of DJ drones in the United States that's when this company is going to be highlighted again because they should be showcasing to the military their drones what solutions they offer and with Trump's son sitting on The advisory board that's the future of this company if they're drones perform they will get a lot of business from the United States government.
10baggerbamm : what you need to have happen is Trump gets sworn in that's the first thing second he needs to be a executive order stop all purchases of DJ drones and cease and desist all usage of DJ drones in the United States that's when this company is going to be highlighted again because they should be showcasing to the military their drones what solutions they offer and with Trump's son sitting on The advisory board that's the future of this company if they're drones perform they will get a lot of business from the United States government.
ShinyInvest : Need a catalyst
73574609 10baggerbamm : 所以,可以翻1000倍不准备放三年