I'm sorry my crystal ball is not working.. will it go up it might or it might not because once momentum breaks in a company a lot of people migrate elsewhere. I think what this has going for it that most other momentum companies don't have is Donald Trump's son affiliation. there's so many DJ drones that are used throughout the United States right now at state level if Trump comes out and says look we're done we're not going to give China an edge anymore these are going to be thrown in a scrap pile because of national security then here is accompany that has the ability to capture a tremendous amount of business. so this is where you really need to own what you're buying beyond a momentum play because once there's a rug pull and profit takers come in and you're at a loss if you bought it recently today you really need to understand why you bought it in the first place
10baggerbamm : it's only up 600% in one week..
MsRach 10baggerbamm : Will go back up?
10baggerbamm MsRach : I'm sorry my crystal ball is not working.. will it go up it might or it might not because once momentum breaks in a company a lot of people migrate elsewhere.
I think what this has going for it that most other momentum companies don't have is Donald Trump's son affiliation. there's so many DJ drones that are used throughout the United States right now at state level if Trump comes out and says look we're done we're not going to give China an edge anymore these are going to be thrown in a scrap pile because of national security then here is accompany that has the ability to capture a tremendous amount of business.
so this is where you really need to own what you're buying beyond a momentum play because once there's a rug pull and profit takers come in and you're at a loss if you bought it recently today you really need to understand why you bought it in the first place