WillsonToh : How u get this number
101620691 : if not how?
BagHolderAssociation OP : movement as yesterday... that was how
101620691 BagHolderAssociation OP : if you are correct, all people will get rich. haha
骨神 : You need to be correct, cos I short
74124403 : Did your crystal ball tell you that?
BagHolderAssociation OP : I bought my puts
74124403 : You were saying?
WillsonToh : How u get this number
101620691 : if not how?
BagHolderAssociation OP : movement as yesterday... that was how
101620691 BagHolderAssociation OP : if you are correct, all people will get rich. haha
骨神 : You need to be correct, cos I short
74124403 : Did your crystal ball tell you that?
BagHolderAssociation OP : I bought my puts
74124403 : You were saying?