This is all the banks that report to the FDIC. This is the percent of bad loans and treasuries they hold as a total of their holdings! That's all of the banks that report to FDIC (insurance) are holding 40% garbage that at the earliest they could get off the books is 3 years (about 8% matures in 3-5 years). Now, what if money wanted to leave these banks? Now, the bank has to produce that money, and the banks balance sheet is 40% visible losses. So, are they cashing out gains? if so, that makes the % of bad debt much greater. So far, the banks are cashing out losses via the FED bank bailout. But that ends in March.
TinkerB3ll : Thank you for sharing and happy new year my friend :)
74126981 : Happy new year
Violets : you should seriously sell your posts for educational we'll written and educational
Violets Violets : well
Wei13 : I would like to ask, is there any January effect?
iamiam OP : i don't think so this year. normally, january effect is from tax loss selling in december, but we didn't have tax loss selling we had buying. i think we get another bull run, i'm just not sure when.
Wei13 iamiam OP : Thank you for the answers
Revelation 6 : So good to hear from you again. Don’t make it so long next time, please.
bay78bay : Peace and blessings to you. Congratulations on your mooer of 2023 badge. Wow, you rock. Thank you for sharing such detailed information and insight, wow. Keep up the great work, truly a blessings. Thank you so much. Good education.
JonnyBets : very good job here
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