Good earnings, good guidance, big bounce. I have ~1000 as a target THAT IS NOT A DAILY TARGET. 836 is my daily target but we will see. this is pretty hot 🔥 I might sell at open and then get bought back up again to run. We are ending soon, this is a topping move. Be careful, but get rich being cautious 😆
cheerfulknight : Hi, what price levels are u looking at for NVDA?
iamiam OP cheerfulknight : to buy?
cheerfulknight iamiam OP : I bought last friday, and IV dropped today. Sigh. I should have just gotten SOXL. Under such circumstances, what would you do? I’m still waiting for further price increase
iamiam OP cheerfulknight : I believe the price will increase. I have above 800 this week and near 1000 maybe by this summer
iamiam OP cheerfulknight : buying earnings is always tough. I bought a June 800/1000 call spread to eliminate some volatility
cheerfulknight iamiam OP : Mine is expiring tomorrow
iamiam OP cheerfulknight : oh wow, I wish you luck time is always you option friend the more the merrier
cheerfulknight iamiam OP : u mean should have bought further dated calls to eliminate volatility (ie IV is lower) is it?
iamiam OP cheerfulknight : yes, and it gives you more time for the stock to climb.... Buying a spread takes out the volatility because you are selling a high volatility option along with buying the call.
daydayup : Hiii iam, Is there a small clerical error? NQ18026 correspond to QQQ429?
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