Yes, we are approaching a top. Do you short this? NO. I'm buying dips. iam buying dips. I already have positions. this is NOT the time to jump in. If you want to buy and hodl something, look to small and mid cap energy.
Let's look at the market and then some individuals I'm in.
HappiOrgUTan : Iamiam, Netflix seems to be very bullish still?
iamiam OP HappiOrgUTan : Netflix? I'm not in it, but the daily is maintaining, it's getting tired though.
HappiOrgUTan iamiam OP : Likely ATH today.
humorous Squirrel_48 : Are you going to reduce your position here clf?
iamiam OP humorous Squirrel_48 : no, I'm reducing PANW, RIVN, and trimming some others but not cliff
humorous Squirrel_48 iamiam OP : What if it rises to around 20.7 today?
iamiam OP humorous Squirrel_48 : then I wait for it to hot 21.40
humorous Squirrel_48 iamiam OP :
Listen to me, I'm not selling