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Ur Responsible

I get a lot, (& I do mean a LOT) of y'all wanting me to say what stocks to buy & when to sell.  For those that r new, I'll tell y'all (like I've told the others) I'll NEVER tell u to buy a stock & u shouldn't just blindly follow someone just because they tell u what to do with yr hard earned money.  There r tooooo many ppl out there that r just SO mean & will mislead u. Do NOT sign up to get text alerts of which stocks to buy either.  Those r just pump & dump sites.  (if u don't know what pump & dump schemes r, just do a search). I don't mind heeeeeelping y'all because I wanted help when I started.  (I've only been doing this for a few months so even I'M still new.), but U have to learn for yourself what to do.  There r SEVERAL different trading styles.  I personally do better at swing trading, (even thigh u do do some day trading.  (Here's an article on the difference....  ). U have to figure out which style fits u best.  This is UR money & YOU'VE earned it, DON'T let it go away cause u can't just go but more.  I have 2 trading accounts,  1 here in MooMoo (my small account) & 1 with TOS,(ThinkOrSwim),( my bigger account). MooMoo is GR8, but the charts SUCK & if ur gonna trade, u have GOT to have good charts. TOS charts r some of the best out there & u can open am account for free with them.  Also,  u can add code to TOS that make things even BETTER. I have added about 50 different codes n mine.  Anyways,  the point being,  u should WANT to know how to understand price action, how to read charts,  b able to run scans to find stocks to invest n. Do u want to invest or trade the stock?, things like that.  As I stated, I do NOT mind heeeeelping u, but do NOT. I repeat, do NOT buy stocks based off what OTHER ppl tell u to do with UR money.  When I post a ticker, (a stock symbol) & say that it's "moving", it means that it's moving up, but that does NOT mean I'm telling u to buuuuuuy it. U need to decide how to look at it on a chart & c if it fits UR criteria for buying. I LIKE trading stocks over $1 because to ME it's a better reward. Stocks under $1, u need to buy SEVERAL hundreds of shares at a time so to me, it's not really worth it but that doesn't mean I WON'T buy them.  U need to learn about day trading rules UF ur gonna b a day trader. Swing trading is different, (plzzzzz click on the link & read the article). I've spent hrrrrrrs online watching vids & reading articles,  continuing to educate myself cause that's the BEST thing u can do when dealing with market makers. They want UR money & they r GOOD at taking it.  (Y'all say I'm good?, (thx for the compliment), but I'm nooooo where NEAR as good as others I talk with or watch.  I just want to y'all b good, (GR8 actually) at this. because it's us retail investing that's against Algos & large institutions. PLZ feel free to ask aaaaaany questions & IF icaaaaan help, I will & ifi CAN'T, then it's something ELSE that I personally NEED to learn because I want to understand ALL of this world that I can so ty for the challenge. I am NOT being mean, I just want U to do ur best at this.  Big institutions DON'T need mooooore money, they've got more then they can spend but if ur like ME?, we DON'T.  I'm doing this for retirement n about 10yrs,(yeah, I'm an old man, (lol) n my 40s still).  but I can't work so don't have a retirement account. Sorry for such a long post, but wanted to get this out there. 
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