Market Overview
The U.S. market started with the Dow Jones Industrial Average, which consists of high-quality stocks, down 53.70 points to 43,222.21. The Nasdaq Composite Index, with a high proportion of technology stocks, started 33.07 points lower at 18,456.48. The S&P 500, which consists of 500 large cap stocks in the USA, started 6.85 points lower at 5,857.82.
ichiod : Don't make strange financial estimates just because you can't predict anyway.
投資の錬金術師 : Should I replace S&P 500 with gold~
こくう0426 : Even broadcasting negative news cannot stop the rise.
とらべる : Financial estimates for the next 10 years are unlikely to be accurate.
akkn05 : News of individual stocks about the stagnation of the SP500's growth, it comes out every year, right? I've already gotten tired of hearing it.