but it really is bad bro. you look at BRICS to USD. 1 to 64. the east is starting to decouple from the west as the east can self sustain already.
i know. it's kinda scary. it my gut i think they are artificially pumping the dollar up. BRICs nations are doing things right they pegged their unit to gold 40% backing, 60% basket of the best currencies within BRICs is true representation of wealth. now imagine a currency out there backed by gold which one do you think the world will want and invest in? I'm ready to buy it myself the more i learn about Chinese roads and railroads building throughout all these countries connecting these nations the more i realize i should probably leave things country because even Donald Trump can't save the dollar.... when it fails it's going to be ugly. this is why i believe they are going to create a false flag black swan event to force everyone onto CBDCs. just a theory good luck
you can't have a currency that doesn't represent any value of worth. there's nothing to account for the value of the dollar, purposely done to print endless amounts after they took us off the gold standard. they know this.... another form of transfer of wealth
EZ_money : actually it's stronger...... it's only tp when I'm ready to short then i wipe my ass daily with it

razo2 OP EZ_money : but it really is bad bro. you look at BRICS to USD. 1 to 64. the east is starting to decouple from the west as the east can self sustain already.
EZ_money razo2 OP : i know. it's kinda scary. it my gut i think they are artificially pumping the dollar up. BRICs nations are doing things right they pegged their unit to gold 40% backing, 60% basket of the best currencies within BRICs is true representation of wealth. now imagine a currency out there backed by gold which one do you think the world will want and invest in? I'm ready to buy it myself
the more i learn about Chinese roads and railroads building throughout all these countries connecting these nations the more i realize i should probably leave things country because even Donald Trump can't save the dollar.... when it fails it's going to be ugly. this is why i believe they are going to create a false flag black swan event to force everyone onto CBDCs. just a theory
good luck 
EZ_money razo2 OP : you can't have a currency that doesn't represent any value of worth. there's nothing to account for the value of the dollar, purposely done to print endless amounts after they took us off the gold standard. they know this.... another form of transfer of wealth
razo2 OP EZ_money : I personally have been buying gold since 2008
EZ_money razo2 OP : daaaaaaaaaaamn
i started when it hit it's low few years ago just above 1635