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Using stock indicators [Part 2]: CM Chip Indicator.

斯似楼阑 joined discussion · Aug 23 04:30
Using stock indicators [Part 2]: CM Chip Indicator.
First, let's understand the techniques for using these 6 core stock indicators.
DKW: a trend indicator that uses a dual-color ladder to determine bullish and bearish market conditions. Buy and sell points are determined based on the structure digits [1-9] and arrow prompts.
CD: a bottom-fishing signal indicator. Red represents bullish market conditions, while orange-yellow represents bearish market conditions. A relatively suitable buy and sell point can be found by observing the color changes of the DKW trend ladder and the CD indicator, as well as the corresponding prompts [buy point, liquidation].
CM: a chip indicator. Orange-yellow represents the entry of institutional investors, usually indicating a bullish market trend. Blue represents individual investors, usually indicating a bearish market trend. When hot money enters a stock, it indicates that the stock may have a strong short-term breakout with a significant increase in price.
SXHY: [Three-in-One Indicator] Green represents resistance, red represents trendlines, and yellow represents support. When the three lines come together, it's a long position, and when they separate it's a short position.
STZ: a three-wave resonance indicator. It combines the advantages of KDJ and MACD indicators to optimize the accuracy of DKW buy and sell points. It needs to be used in conjunction with other indicators.
CKDJ: a super stochastic indicator. It strengthens the accuracy of DKW, CD, and STZ indicators based on the strength of stock price trends and overbought/oversold phenomena.
Next, let's look at the technique for using the CM chip indicator.
The CM indicator is mainly used to identify the flow of funds by looking at the color of the columns. Red columns represent block orders, pink represents retail investor funds, yellow indicates block control in an uptrend, blue represents individual investor funds. Red and green appearing simultaneously indicate block control in a downtrend, and stock prices will have minor-level band rebounds.
(1) How to determine the long and short trend market through the CM indicator
Uptrend: Market block orders continuously buy long positions, causing stock prices to rise. In the CM indicator, red columns represent block orders, and yellow indicates block control. In an uptrend, red block orders tend to quickly push up stock prices, followed by the appearance of yellow columns in the CM indicator, leading to gradual small-scale price increases, which signifies block control in an uptrend. At this time, the DKW ladder color is pink. The CD indicator's coverage area is also red, and the SXHY indicator will also indicate a potential long position.
Using stock indicators [Part 2]: CM Chip Indicator.
Downtrend: When market block orders stop actively buying stocks and instead start selling, stock prices start declining. In the CM indicator, the blue color represents individual investor funds beginning to appear. At this time, the DKW will show a nine-turn structure number in green [1-9], and the ladder color also changes to green. The SXHY indicator will also indicate a potential short position.
Using stock indicators [Part 2]: CM Chip Indicator.
Determine the rebound trend: Here is a reminder that when the stock price has been falling for a period of time, there will be a rebound. The rebound in a downtrend needs to be analyzed with multiple indicators, as shown in the chart. First, there will be a blue candlestick appearing, indicating that the stock price trend will change, whether it will go up or down is unclear at this point. This requires a comprehensive judgment based on other indicators. When the CM indicator also starts to show red and green color patterns at the same time, and the SXHY indicator suggests [long], it means that the rebound trend is established. We should follow the pink numerical tips of the DKW nine-switch structure to observe the rebound.
Friendly reminder: Everyone's buying and selling points and risk tolerance are different. The use of indicators requires each individual to study their own buying and selling points based on their risk preferences.
Indicators will also change with the changes in stock prices, as you will notice when checking stock market on your mobile phone. Having indicators to assist in judgment helps us to grasp the market trends more confidently and reduce unnecessary losses.
Hope everyone learns more about stock knowledge, improves stock trading skills, and with the assistance of indicators, the accuracy will be much higher. Do not blindly consider these stock indicators as magical tools.
I have created a stock learning technical guide. Those interested can refer to it. I am also an amateur speculator. I hope to have the chance to meet and learn from experienced trading masters.
Using stock indicators [Part 2]: CM Chip Indicator.
Using stock indicators [Part 2]: CM Chip Indicator.
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