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Value stock

At $30, We've hit a multi year resistance level. Even lower than before Covid.
Value wise, this is a no brainer. Looking at its product pipeline, which Pfizer has acquired using its windfall from Covid, this is very promising.
Especially when you consider that the market has dumped it's price so low because of worries of Covid revenue(Which it is growing less reliant on) as well as one-time revenue cuts affecting quarterly EPS, which should theoretically just be a blip in the road if you are a long term value investor.
Not financial advice, do your own dd.
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  • Stocksgoup OP : Everything, as usual in Biotech, revolves around luck as well of course, due to things like FDA approvals etc

    However, I'd say investing would be taking calculated gambles and the odds for this looks good valuation wise.

    Downwards trending though, not very nice to swing trade short term. Shorting for short term is also scary because stocks like this can have a straight green bar at any day due to FDA approvals etc.

    I'd say only invest in this if you like it long term

  • MonkeyGee : whats is going on here? This is Pfizer.

  • Stocksgoup OP MonkeyGee : What's wrong with Pfizer being a value stock?
    Great free cash flows, strong history of R&D, having multiple times the approval rate in Phase 2 trials than usual pharmas. Price to book at a good spot for a such a large company, at around 1.76 with $30.9 share price. At 1.5 it would become a steal but that only really happens during black swan events. Setting aside enough cash earning risk free rate to double down while being invested is better than waiting for a black swan event though.

    I see around ~50% upside from here. $45 would be around fair value if investor sentiment improves, plus dividends which we will steadily be collecting. Easy hold for ~2-3 years.

  • MonkeyGee Stocksgoup OP : I'm in total agreement with you.  I even think it might have a 100% return .
