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$Vertiv Holdings (VRT.US)$ past 80 today hopefully 🤩

$Vertiv Holdings (VRT.US)$ past 80 today hopefully 🤩
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  • Aaron Invests (AI) : Let's hope so. Fingers crossed. Today just steady pom pipi and just watch it hit uptrend without trading

  • 10baggerbamm : sit back don't trade this one everything is about data centers there's very little competition there's only a few companies doing cooling they're a market leader they beat the street don't listen to the bullshit Yahoo story that's being circulated around they beat earnings they beat revenue and they up guidance.

  • Bully Bill 100 OP 10baggerbamm : I sold at 80.51 this morning because I thought it would dip again.Do you think since it stabilized I can buy again?

  • 10baggerbamm Bully Bill 100 OP : I've been looking at 10,000 share block trades and larger on about a half dozen of the largest chip companies I don't need to say who they are it's pretty obvious and I'm not seeing down ticking when these blocks are placed for sale
    so that people this morning that were short I think most have covered they made a lot the individuals that dumped weeks ago I think are buying back institutions that sold weeks ago I think they're buying back and I think then after they build their positions back up that they blew out of I think they're probably going to initiate coverage on many of these companies. so the large blocks that are placed for sale are being bought relatively quickly I think we could have after a day like today we can have a down. morning tomorrow on the open or Friday afternoon going into the close it certainly possible one or 2% could come off
    the two x factors now is you have the Biden cabinet that's going to be mandating in the very near future the limitations on sales of Chip and related technology to China I heard that on the news earlier this morning and they're ready to formalize their laws and have them sign it any day so today it did not even cause a down tick when they made this announcement but I think that could be a catalyst on the US largest chip companies that export to China

  • InfiltradeR : We're on a upwards trajectory from here. Do pay attention to Energy sector too. Take a look at this YouTube video by CNBC. A.I data center energy crisis.
