Hindenberg must pay a heavy price for his actions. If convicted, how many years should he be imprisoned or fined to be considered deserving of punishment?
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Following the introduction of China's groundbreaking DeepSeek technology, Wall Street giants have revised their investment outlooks for the Chinese market.
Wei13 : How should I put it?
105127747 : Did smci take any action?
盘 股 開 天 OP 105127747 : Did you not read the report carefully? The company has already filed a lawsuit with the law.

105127747 : Ya, of course I read through. But I don't see any mention abt the lawsuit from SMCI against Hindenburg.
盘 股 開 天 OP 105127747 : The company has made statements and allegations against a certain party, is it necessary to specify who?
105127747 盘 股 開 天 OP : Ok, up to you.
盘 股 開 天 OP 105127747 : Big companies in their reports will not directly mention the other party's name, but will only indicate actions.
世间一凡人 : These are just empty words. How could the company delay filing its 10-K report if there were no issues?
盘 股 開 天 OP 世间一凡人 : The report is available, please check the link provided by commenter 102180832.