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$Volatility Shares 2x Ether ETF (ETHU.US)$ hopefully some pe...

$Volatility Shares 2x Ether ETF (ETHU.US)$ hopefully some people were able to nibble at this ETF in the past couple of days. it will rally lock step with Bitcoin and the fact that it's over $5 today it really means nothing in the big picture. the downside is still four bucks and you saw what happened from earlier this week when I mentioned it it was 4.90 it dropped down to 4.60. this movement on a matter of percentage is large it's like a $49 stock falling to $46 however relative to where the big picture is and what etherium offers it's meaningless this movement it's irrelevant and a year from today you won't even be able to see it on a chart. the whole story behind ethereum is intact it's just that Bitcoin has lost its luster over the past several months. however looking beyond the election and keep your fingers crossed Trump wins. crypto will be in Bull mode again and ethereum will start gapping up just like it did in the past and everybody will be chasing it. that's why you need to take advantage of low prices when nobody wants them because nobody is talking about etherium any longer. everybody is talking today about the rate cut small caps healthcare stocks and everything that's going to rally like regional Banks from rate cuts moving forward. when this ETF is back to $16 that's when Wall Street will be pounding the table saying everybody needs to buy ethereum again.
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