Benjamin’s : Delist
EUGENE啊梁 Benjamin’s : When will it be delisted?
Benjamin’s EUGENE啊梁 : They should have got notice already under $1 dollar for 6 months with a RS 3 months ago. Was over a dollar for maybe a day or 2 needed to hold it for 10/20
EUGENE啊梁 Benjamin’s : Do you own it?
Benjamin’s EUGENE啊梁 : Sold it around .85 a month after RS as it just continued to drop.
EUGENE啊梁 : It's so rubbish, it hasn't stopped falling, damn it
Benjamin’s : Delist
EUGENE啊梁 Benjamin’s : When will it be delisted?
Benjamin’s EUGENE啊梁 : They should have got notice already under $1 dollar for 6 months with a RS 3 months ago. Was over a dollar for maybe a day or 2 needed to hold it for 10/20
EUGENE啊梁 Benjamin’s : Do you own it?
Benjamin’s EUGENE啊梁 : Sold it around .85 a month after RS as it just continued to drop.
EUGENE啊梁 : It's so rubbish, it hasn't stopped falling, damn it