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$Volcon (VLCN.US)$@Trytosaveabit Sorry to trouble you. What ...

$Volcon (VLCN.US)$ @Trytosaveabit Sorry to trouble you. What do you think of this stock? I have a position with this stock. Do you think it is on the verge of getting delisted?
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  • EUGENE啊梁 : It's fast

  • Trytosaveabit : As for now because of the R/S in February and the purchase agreement they are as of now in compliance with all listing rules! But I do look for then to get another non compliance letter from NASDAQ for minimum bid price if they don’t keep price above 1.00! But for now I see no delisting! Hope this helps? GL

  • NewbieSG OP Trytosaveabit : Thanks a lot. At this stage would you advise to buy shares to average down??

  • Trytosaveabit NewbieSG OP : Im sorry I don’t give direct buy/sell advice! There is no way for me to know peoples risk tolerance or the type of trade they are doing! I try to help every other way I can! I hope you understand this? But I can tell you what I see and think. And maybe that will help you decide! So unless they start making some giant sells in the company? Or if another buys them out? Something like that. I see the price just continuing to drop! Don’t want to pour water on your hopes but take a look at the chart! Look at quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily! With very few exceptions even taking the R/S into account. The price has been all but a continuous drop since IPO! Very sad! I’ve not dug deep enough into SI? But I would be willing to bet that SS’s have contributed significantly to the terrible performance? Now as I said there is no way for me to know if something super positive is coming? And it’s possible? But if I was in your position, depending on how bad I was down. I would not average down yet! But I wouldn’t sell at a massive loss yet either! Here is my thoughts why! If I’m already down huge, what’s the difference between losing 80% or 90% at this point? It would be a more let’s just let it ride for now! And maybe just maybe something great happens and pushes price up! But unless I had money to throw away? Or I have knowledge of something big guaranteed coming? I would not waste money averaging down at this point! This is JMO and NFA in any way! Hope this helps a bit? GL

  • NewbieSG OP Trytosaveabit : Wow. Thanks a bunch. I should keep a watch for now and hope for this ship to sail again.

  • Trytosaveabit NewbieSG OP : You’re very welcome! Im rooting for you! GL

  • sirstu1 : @Trytosaveabit how do you stay so up to date with all of these companies???

  • Jeffu Trytosaveabit : well said. Thank you.
