BTW it wasn’t 16 million shares… it was 450,000 shares- Half of what he had & MOST OF what CFO was vested to sell. You also announce plans to sell the rest of your shares in December and March when you can legally sell the rest of them. The company treasurer., Juhan sold 400,000 shares last Friday and Monday. His entire stake of what he could sell legally. The 16, million figure was how much money the CFO received in the sell of all of his shares that he could legally sell. Basically it was your money.
玩玩吧了 : Rise first.
MorreteKalai8686 : i guess, its either will go below 25 or above 35
玩玩吧了 : The opening rose first
70659822 : the selling of 16 million was done a few days ago.
MorreteKalai8686 70659822 : exactly.
TheOracleOfBroMaha 70659822 : The Co Treasurer sold 360,000 shares last Friday & 64,000 on Monday! But Diamond Hands, I know… I know
TheOracleOfBroMaha : BTW it wasn’t 16 million shares… it was 450,000 shares- Half of what he had & MOST OF what CFO was vested to sell. You also announce plans to sell the rest of your shares in December and March when you can legally sell the rest of them. The company treasurer., Juhan sold 400,000 shares last Friday and Monday. His entire stake of what he could sell legally. The 16, million figure was how much money the CFO received in the sell of all of his shares that he could legally sell. Basically it was your money.