Nongaap (non-GAAP) refers to financial measures that are not subject to Non-GAAP (Non-GAAP) financial measures. These indicators do not comply with GAAP (GAAP) and are additional financial information provided by the company in addition to GAAP indicators when publishing financial reports. Non-GAAP financial measures can help investors and analysts understand the company's operating conditions more comprehensively, but there is also a risk that the company will use it to beautify its financial position.
Following the introduction of China's groundbreaking DeepSeek technology, Wall Street giants have revised their investment outlooks for the Chinese market.
trader options : Good
Yemz : Nongaap (non-GAAP) refers to financial measures that are not subject to Non-GAAP (Non-GAAP) financial measures. These indicators do not comply with GAAP (GAAP) and are additional financial information provided by the company in addition to GAAP indicators when publishing financial reports. Non-GAAP financial measures can help investors and analysts understand the company's operating conditions more comprehensively, but there is also a risk that the company will use it to beautify its financial position.