this wont be the last warning because there are always newcomers getting tricked into buying this pos by paid shills and bots. Mullen is a scam. David Mentry is a grifter he is a Piru blood. This is the fourth company he has done this fake stock issuance with on NASDAQ. There are no records in Tunica county, Mississippi, that establish ownership of the so-called factory/warehouse that they just put a sign in front of and claimed it as their own. They have no vehicles in production. They have nothing to sell anybody, but fake news, they pay writers to produce PR pieces that try to get you excited and to make it look like Mullen is really a productive company when in fact, it’s a Ponzi scheme, do not invest in this, unless you are playing a short position covering going long, then shorting and wash repeat that is the only way to play this ticker. David Michery should be in prison along with the rest of the CFOs and boards of directors that are in prison for the fraudulent past. They’ve done this with David Mitchery is bribing the proper officials and paying super high fines to stay out of prison, but it will catch up with them after this one because of that gravity of the situation, this could go down as go down as the largest fraudulent play in the history of the stock market. Avoid purchasing this stock at all cost unless you know what you’re doing. This is a fake fake company. It’s a Ponzi scheme David Michery is a Piru blood, a thief, a crook even the rappers, he represented on Death row records have sued countless times for the money he stole from them. Mullen has failed to deliver on every promise they put out in every fake PR that they paid to have published. whatever happened to the vans for the medical marijuana distributor in Texas. There were supposedly 6000 vans to be ordered for that two years ago never came through what happened to the through the test drives, what they push the cars down the hill to make it look like they’re driving on their own power. Unbelievable if you think this is a real company, you have not done any DD and you deserve to lose your money after being warned countless times by countless investors that know what they’re talking about, it’s a sad thing to say that you deserve it but what else can you say you’ve been told over and over and over that it’s a fake company there is no excuse for the all these people saying oh Mullins going to skyrocket it’s gonna be a short squeeze. This is gonna happen that’s gonna happen that’s all garbage Stop stop listening to them. They are short or they are paid or they are just fuckers but anyway you put it it’s fake company it’s going to delisted, there’s going to be criminal charges there’s going to be people going to prison for lengthy prison sentences this time David is going to try to run and hide and his house and Haiti hopefully the Haitian authorities well give him up anyways this won’t be the last time I put a warning out because of all the new people that come along and start trading on these apps, but it will be my strongest warning, please please stop falling for this bull crap and stop posting that it’s a good company dig deep into this man’s background his past if you think it’s such a real company, go to his factories and peek in the windows if you can. please stop buying this stock. Thank you. Good night.
Scorched earf : We all know the history. You’re banging a mute drum here. Shut up. Go away. No one cares. We’ve all been watching this like 3+ years.
NextMoonTrading : Hahaha ok you made your peace now go cry a river somewhere else! 🫵

FANCY PANTS : I love the message, dude. For the past two months I've been trying to warn people this company is a scam. Unfortunately the people who need to hear it the most will call you a shill and block you. It is incredibly frustrating to share facts with links/sources and they won't even try to look at it.
The guy above me also has me blocked because he couldn't handle anything that isn't hyping MULN.
Anyone still bullish on Mullen is braindead. They see the propaganda on YouTube and Twitter and think it is true. But there is sooooo much evidence that David is a con artist. I don't know how "Mullenaires" just refuse to acknowledge it.
I've said many, many times that MULN is only good for a swing or a scalp.
P.S. I'm sure NYC will come by, drop some clown emojis, call you a goofy and not to worry about his money
At this point I feel like the Mullen Army deserves to lose every penny as a life lesson in critical thinking.
NextMoonTrading FANCY PANTS : Hahahaha I haven’t block you brother!

is just hilarious how you guys care so much about other peoples money when no one gives a shit about you both.. you spend day after day talking shit about MULN but are you invested? Trading? Wtf are you doing that you so hurt men? One thing we both agree is that MULN is awesome for scalping! But if you don’t have the skill you’ll be holding bags like an
…which is mostly why people come talk shit!!!
NextMoonTrading : People here need to learn how to trade the candles instead of talking shit! Trade the candles make some $ hit up the club live happy…you both sound miserable sad!! Why??
Dons hobby : The reason pee pee pants is in everyone else's business is because he has none of his own.
Dons hobby : I blocked him long ago, I won't waste my time on anyone or anything that doesn't deserve it.
FANCY PANTS NextMoonTrading : Whoops, you must've made a comment while I was typing mine. I meant the dude with numbers for a name has me blocked.
My intent for being here is to prevent naive new investors from believing the deceitful "news" Mullen puts out and the pumper shills promote.
I did make a little money swinging this stock, but there's better opportunities out there for now.
P.S. Don blocked me because he rage quit an argument we were having where he couldn't use basic grammar, correct spelling or write a complete sentence. He's a washed up old drug dealer who follows "influencers" around and copying their plays cause he can't find stocks on his own. He calls anyone he can benefit from "my friend" but will drag your name through the mud if he doesn't like you.
NextMoonTrading Dons hobby : I feel you on that…I don’t really block I’m like an onion, I got many many many layers…comments like that I find them entertaining, funny and most times there is a reason why this cats act like they do. Age? Knowledge? Immaturity? Lost money? Bag holder? So many…lmao!!
NextMoonTrading FANCY PANTS : Lmao!! Cool…but yeah like I told you before let them burn!

gotta learn some how!! I’m scalping the crap out this!
trade the candles instead of the fundamentals I keep saying!!
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